Tuesday, January 22, 2008

The Zoo and Teeth

I haven't posted in a while, so I am posting various things in this post. Harper is working on getting 4 of her top teeth at the same time. What a treat:)

This video is of Harper feeding a giraffe at the Richmond Zoo. She wasn't scared at all and she found the giraffe food pretty tasty. This child will each ANYTHING.

Friday, January 11, 2008


I took some video of Harper walking tonight. She's been taking a few steps here and there, but I haven't been able to capture them on video. She was walking enough tonight for me to tape. The video is grainy because there wasn't much light in the room.

Friday, January 4, 2008


Christmas was a little different for us this year because Chris' dad was in the hospital, as was my grandmother. We spent a pretty good amount of time in hospitals, but Harper didn't seem to mind. She had a great week. Everywhere we went people gave her birthday AND Christmas presents. Here are a few pictures.
This is from Harper's Tea Party at Boop and Gann's house. Gann gave Harper a silver tea set to be used on her birthday every year and this year we had our tea party at Gann's house.

On Christmas Eve, Harper got to Santa's cookies before we could stop her. She knocked over Santa's milk and ate all his cookies. She's lucky Santa still brought her presents since he didn't have any goodies.
These are from Christmas morning. I don't know why they're so small. Harper really enjoyed her presents and like emptying her stocking.